This section provides a selection of easy to update sample letters for writing to clients. This will lead to less errors and increased flexibility and consistency.
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This section provides a selection of easy to update sample letters for writing to clients. This will lead to less errors and increased flexibility and consistency.
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When writing letters for clients, we have provided a selection of sample letters for you to insert details into. This leads to less errors and increased flexibility. Templates are easy to update, and they provide consistency across casework. They can be improved regularly to meet instructional requirements as well as the client's needs. They are easily tracked and updated.
Google Doc / Word Doc: File Review Template
This template is to ensure compliance with the OISC regulations on file management and to enable you to check the requisite instructions and documents you need to progress a case.
Google Doc / Word Doc: Client Care Letter
This letter usually introduces the client to the organisation and the services that the organisation will offer. It will also mostly contain the instructions you were given by the client, the advice you gave the client and what the next step you will take to progress the application. You should normally provide two copies of the client care letter, one for the client to keep and one for the client to return signed as having been read.
Google Doc / Word Doc: Client Closing Letter - New Representatives
Google Doc / Word Doc: Client Closing Letter- Grant of Leave
Google Doc / Word Doc: Client Closing Letter- Negative Decision
These files are for you to inform the client the final outcome of their case.The letter also confirms the understanding that between the client and yourself that no further action will be taken by you. This letter should also inform the client that their file will be closed. You will need to confirm in the closing letter how you will deal with cost, clientโs documents and how the documents will be stored.